I am using the terms "article" and "essay" a bit loosely here. I write a lot of nonsense in a manner and vernacular that is meant to suggest that I know something about something, or understand something about something, but I am really not sure if I do. I have had a few bits of "formal" writing, games crit, art crit, that sort of thing, published over the years. Some of it I even got paid a handful of tenners for. Some of it still exists. Some of it has gone the way of the dodo, and is probably the exlusive province of the wayback machine, assuming there is anything left at all.
Sometimes, I'll just be browsing around on reddit and, instead of giving a simple answer to a simple question, I'll allow my response to balloon to a florid, multiparagraph affair, with a thesis and everything, so lengthy and verbose that reddit (the one social media platform commonly mocked for not only allowing length and verbosity but serving as a stomping ground for a particular species of "neckbeard" the members of which are want to wallow in the verbosity and length of their comments like hogs in mud) gives me an error when I actually try to hit the "submit" button, so I have to choose between spending another hour meticulous editing the piece, accept defeat and avoid posting entirely, thus admitting the fact that I just wasted an hour of my life, or split one comment into two, and sometimes even three, so that the nonexistent person who actually wants to read it in its entirety can, with a little extra work, do so.
This gets kind of tedious, since the same topics end up popping up over and over ("why do artists think AI is bad," or, "have I been cursed by my ex," or, "how do I get better at painting with color," or, "how do I summon Lilith, the Mother of Demons, Mistress of Night, Daughter of the Void"), and sometimes my brain tells me I should try to reapproach them anew, because THIS time I am sure to find a truly concise and perfectly formulated answer, and THIS time it will only be a paragraph or two of the most golden and honeyed truth. So I just end up writing different versions of the same multiparagraph monstrosity over, and over, and over again.
And, like, I guess that's kind of fun sometimes. I suppose it's not the worst way to spend my time. Better than watching five different long plays of the same game one after the other, just to create the illusion that I am not utterly alone. Certainly better than a lot of assorted "wankery," literal or otherwise, that I could, and often do, sink my time into. But it's ... not optimal. If I write a really good, super long "think piece" about why so called "Artificial Intelligence" is neither new, nor intelligence, nor particularly interesting, and is really just a byproduct of corporate waste and the mounting desperation of a tech industry that can't cope with the looming threat of diminishing returns and very real physical barriers to continued economic growth, I want to have at least one version of that screed saved somewhere semi-central. That won't change the fact that nobody will read it (who the heck actually READS anything these days, let along some mentally ill goober's overexplained opinions), but at least I'll have a point of reference. Maybe sometimes I can just copy and paste instead of reinventing the wheel.
Anyway, yeah, that's what you can look forward to seeing here. Just, thoughts and such, not unlike my personal weblog, but a bit less, well, personal. Thoughts about "stuff" and "things," as opposed to thoughts about my own specific projects, neuroses, and so on. That said, there will be bleed(sic). That cannot be avoided, nor should it be.